Saturday, August 4, 2012

Grow Your Business Reputation with Gel Polymers

Grow Your Business Reputation with Gel Polymers.  If you own a landscaping company, nursery, greenhouse or even a lawn care business, ask yourself these three questions:

1. How do I get more customers?

2. How do I maintain customer retention?

3. How do I make more money?

Those three questions are at the heart of our business here at Horticultural Alliance. Among other things, we are here to assist everyone to help grow their business. In fact, we're all about 'growing.' One of the key ways we've been so successful in doing that is through the usage of gel polymers. Horta-Sorb® water management gel polymers.

We've been writing quite a bit about gel polymers, but it's always a great thing to reiterate their benefits.


What Are Gel Polymers?

Horta-Sorb® water management gel polymers are substances that absorb hundreds of times their weight in water. The overwhelming majority of water absorbed is nearly all available to the plants. Their use results in managing watering in the root zone of the plant significantly reducing watering maintenance and providing for a near constant supply of precious water to the roots.
What Are The Benefits Of Gel Polymers?

Increased Survival Rate - This makes sense, doesn't it. Because plants have access to water despite adverse meteorological or soil conditions, they are never deprived of water.
Reduces Transplant Shock - While the use of gel polymers among nursery owners is on the rise and can potentially help prevent the negative effects of transplant shock, even landscapers who buy from nurseries who do not currently use gel polymers can make up for the lack of their use because gel polymers make up for the lack of water before, during and after the establishment of a great variety of plants.
Reduces Water Frequency - Because the plant isn't as 'thirsty' and in need of water and because, with the aid of gel polymers, they have a steady supply of it, it results in the need for watering. It saves money. It conserves water. And it saves your customers money.
Extends Flowering - Check out our previous blog post on all the many reasons why this happens, but the primary cause of the extended plant flowering is stress reduction. Plants are like any other living organism. They produce more and better quality results when they aren't under stress.

Gel Polymers Save You And Your Business And Your Customers Money

  • Greater Customer Satisfaction - Because plants adapt more quickly to their new environment and because they're healthier and more resistant to drought or dry conditions, customers are happier. They are also more likely to recommend you to their friends, neighbors and colleagues.

  • Saves Your Business Money - Keeping costs down is imperative for keeping your profits up. Gel polymers do this directly via the benefits listed above. You won't have to replant due to customer satisfaction, saving you money on inventory. You won't have to revisit your customer's site unnecessarily and waste time and resources doing so. Plus, gel polymers are quite affordable. Consider them an investment.
  • Saves Your Customers Money - Not only will your customers appreciate your green thumb, be sure to point out that they will also save money on their water bill. Water isn't cheap. Not to mention that we sometimes get hit with community watering restrictions due to dry conditions. No worries! Gel polymers will carry your clients' plants through the lean, dry times ensuring that they remain healthy. Eternal salad days, you might say. You customers won't have to worry about breaking watering restrictions (making the mistake of watering when they shouldn't) because they simply will not need to do so.

  • ■     Create A Living Business Card - By using gel polymers, every bit of land or landscape you tend to will transform into a living business card. Create slideshows of your work on your website. Record Podcasts of your success stories and post those. Explain to people why and how you're so good at what you do. And watch your business blossom.
Give us a ring at (800) 628-6373. And hey! If you've used gel polymers and want to share your success stories, speak up! Leave a comment at our blog.
Have Questions? Horticultural Alliance Has Answers.

Grow your business reputation with gel polymers, along with our DIEHARD /mycorrhizae products for Transplanting with success,  and HortaSorb®Contact us today to find out the many reasons we've helped business spring up and thrive!

James Quinn
Horticultural Alliance, Inc.

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