Thursday, January 3, 2013

Beginning of Creation | Mycorrhizae

Beginning of Creation | Mycorrhizae

                Including many people in the plant industry, most people have no idea what the word Mycorrhizae means, nor how Mycorrhizae fits into the plan for creation and plant symbiosis; Beginning of Creation: Mycorrhizae.

 The definition: Mycorrhizae is a symbiotic association between a fungus and the roots of a vascular plant in a mycorrhizal co-existence; the fungus colonizes the host plant’s roots either intra-cellularly as endomycorrhizae or colonizes surrounding cells as ectomycorrhizae.  The fungus assists in the absorption of minerals and water to the plant and defends the roots from other fungi and nemotodes (preditors) while the plant provides carbohydrates to the fungus.

 It has been postulated, by mycorrhizal researchers, that long before plants became established in the terrestrial environment, fungi, as mycorrhizal partners, were already associated with plants in the aquatic environment;  and, that it was the mycorrhizal fungi that made possible the plant’s conquest of the terrestrial environment.

These root-fungal partnerships  evolved as plants first invaded the land, over 400 million years ago and today are found across all major plants and ecosystems across the planet. We still have many undiscovered worlds to explore including the plant kingdom.

Roots with Mycorrhizal fungi

            We at Horticultural Alliance and especially its founder, James Quinn have devoted time, education and all our engergies to not only understanding Mycorrhizae; but, we grow it as the foundation of our DIEHARD “Cocktail” of Mycorrhizae, Humic acid, Yucca and approximately 100 other ingredients. 

            DIEHARDTM is used to assist new plantings in establishing themselves in the natural process of symbiosis with the natural ingredients of the soil.  These natural beneficial bacteria help the plant through any stress due to the transplant.

Take man and his need to manage the growth of the plant; provide plants with the ingredients of Mother Earth and The Beginning of Creation | Mycorrhizae.


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